Counted from the date of company establishment

Including full-time and part-time employees

Local company information:

Counted from the date of company establishment

Including full-time and part-time employees

Your company can submit the following documents *

  • Valid business registration BR
  • Business Registration Regulation Form 1(a) or Annual Return Form NAR1 (Signature and stamp required)
  • MPF contribution records for the past three months (signature and stamp required)
  • Local business license
  • Documents proving the relationship with the local company
  • Other required business permit documents
  • Valid business registration BR
  • Business Registration Regulation Form 1(a) or Annual Return Form NAR1 (Signature and stamp required)
  • MPF contribution records for the past three months (signature and stamp required)
According to preliminary assessment
Your company is eligible to apply

*It is generally difficult to apply without a local company

Must be the same as the information on the business registration certificate

Example: toy production, garment wholesale

Choose at least three

  • en
    • zh-hans